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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Golf training Aid Information

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How To Play Sand Traps

By Lee MacRae

Sand play does not have to be life threatening! But that is how many golfers feel when they land a shot into a bunker or sand trap. Follow along as we explain some things you can do to improve in this area of your golf game

The sand shot hit from a downhill lie is one of the toughest of all. Here's how to hit it; the key is ball position. As with other downhill shots, you should play the ball back in your stance, in this case roughly opposite your right foot. Next, swing the club up abruptly, breaking your wrists. Keeping your legs and torso steady, hit into the sand 2 inches behind the ball. Follow through normally. There is not much margin for error on this shot, so once you've picked a spot where you want the club to make contact with the sand, concentrate on hitting that exact spot and followed through.

The sand actually allows for a margin of error. Just make sure you accelerate your golf club through the sand and good results will follow. If your impact is close to your ball, it will go longer in the air but will retain a lot of spin. Impact a little farther behind your ball and you make it travel less in the air but it now has the tendency for more run on landing. Just remember to focus on the sand, not on the itself ball, and let your club [and the sand] do the work.

A good way to gauge distance on a sand shot is to think of hitting the ball twice as far. Let's say you have a sand shot of 25 feet. Hit it with the same power that you would use for a fairway shot of 50 feet. A word of warning; this system works well on medium to long sand shots. On the short touch shots you're better off practicing to get a feel for finesse. After all, you may well have a 6 foot long sand shot, but how many 12 foot long fairway shots do you ever have?

Knowing the basic techniques of bunker sand play and understanding the subtleties of the various problems you can encounter will actually lead you to even enjoy the play from a sand bunker. I'm sure these tips will help you to enjoy your next round of golf.

About the author

Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great indoor practice putting green or a great clone golf club today!

Additional Info On Golf Today

Golf Training Aids

Tee the Ball Higher. The old adage has always been that the top of the driver should be about halfway up the ball when it is teed up. However, with a 460cc driver, I like to see you set the ball high enough on a peg such that the top of the driver is no more than one-third of the way up the ball. Of course, this means that the standard 2 1/8-inch tee will not be long enough to accommodate. You will need a tee at least 3 inches in length, but likely a little longer than this.
To learn more go to golf equipment

Golf Accessories

Try for a relaxed and comfortable feel. A tight grip will hinder your rhythm and release. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands point between the chin and right shoulder.
For additional information go to golf

Beginners Golf Training Aids

Now, putting pads and various practice aids have been around for a very long time. You can choose from kits ranging from a simple pad and a cup or those offering such tools as ball return. Regardless of your selection, you can get that extra advantage of some practice time right in your living room or office.
For more information go to golf trainings aids

Golf Training Aids

Some things to know and practice: First, and most important search and ask around about a respected golf instructor in your area, and get them to give you information on their program prior to starting an instructional series. You don't want someone giving you advice who is not qualified, and can impart poor information that can create bad habits.

Today's Golf News

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Location: Alta Sierra, Ohio, United States

I teach speaking and after hour classes. I spent almost nine years as a technical saleman.

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