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Tips To Improve Your Golf Game

by Lee MacRae

The following tips have been gleaned from various sources over the years. We hope you enjoy them.

There is always a tendency to uncock the wrists early on the downswing in an effort to unleash a little more energy into the hit. But this action causes the wrists to break, and you're likely either to top your ball, blade it, or snap hook it. You can avoid this by deliberately pulling the club down into the back of your ball with your left hand. Don't worry about smothering the ball. As your weight shifts to your left side and the body opens up, you will find that the club uncocks naturally.

Many golfers lift their front foot on their backswing. This can lead to a reverse weight shift, where weight is actually shifted to the front side on the backswing. This can result in a hook or shank shot. Keep your front foot planted on the ground on your backswing, which will promote a proper hip and shoulder turn and get you into a "coil" position setting you up for increased power. Just don't forget to shift your weight to your back side.

You'll generate a lot of power if you forget about building up the muscles in your body and concentrate instead on whipping the hips. Look at golfing legend Gary player. He's only 5'7" tall, but he hits the ball a long way by moving his hips as fast as possible for right to left in the downswing. But not so fast that he loses control of the swing. The idea is to have the hips moving to the left, where they'll open naturally. If you keep your head behind the ball through impact, you'll form a sort of human catapult that will send your ball soaring.

If you implement these tips and work on them, you will be certain to develop a better drive within a short period of time. Just keep on practicing and working on your improvement. It's only a matter of time before your scores begin to drop.

Improve your putting stroke with a super home golf putting green and watch your scores plummet!

Thoughts On Golf

The key to hitting the ball farther with the modern driver and golf ball (which spins much less off of a flat face than balls of the past) is high launch combined with a low spin rate. Our goal is to get enough spin to achieve lift, while minimizing (hopefully eliminating) drag.
...Golf Help

The left shoulder sets up the backswing by rotating down and under the chin. This shoulder movement directs the clubhead travel to the inside of the target line. The shoulder turn determines the length of the backswing.
...US Open

First-Class Travel Bag
Be sure to check out Club Glove's Last Bag�it's indestructible.
...Golf Tips magazine

If you can�t seem to find the time to spend at the driving range and your backyard is too small to practice your golf swing, all hope is not lost thanks to virtual golf. Of course, this is not quite as satisfying as feeling the club strike the ball, but it may be a good solution between trips to the course. As the name suggests, you place a ball on the tee just like you would otherwise, but the ball will not travel outside a certain area. Or, you can opt for a net in which you can hit the ball except you will, obviously, have to hit the net each and every time.
...PGA of America

The Truth About Impact
Looking at the two pictures below, there's no doubting the differences between the proper address and impact positions. But while the correct impact position is obviously extremely important, it's impossible to isolate this one moment of the swing through manipulation. Instead, you have to understand and apply the proper mechanics to create the correct �look� and feel at impact. It's no coincidence that a proper-looking impact position tends to create solid shots.
...Golf Tips magazine

Headline News About Golf

Adam Scott Trusts New Titleist Advanced Performance Irons in Record-Setting Victory

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Captures Qatar Masters with Pro V1 Golf Ball and Full Bag of Titleist Golf Clubs

Just the Fax Scotty Cameron Sweepstakes

Tue, 20 Sep 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Sign-up for the new "Just the Fax" Sweepstakes at ScottyCameron.com

Learn the ''Five Daily Sins'' That Can Hurt Your Golf Game on Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist

Mon, 22 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Premieres Tonight at 8:40 p.m. on The Golf Channel

Ben and Heather Crane's mission trip to New Orleans

Tue, 22 Nov 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Heather Crane, wife of Ben Crane, shares the story of their mission trip to New Orleans last year to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. Ben and Heather are back in New Orleans this week for the Zurich Classic of New Orleans.

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Some Geat Golf Tips

by Lee MacRae

Here are some great tips to help improve your game from tee-off to the final hole.

When addressing the ball with your driver, you must be loose and relaxed. Do not tighten up over the golf ball. It is important to waggle the club back and forth a few times in order to create some flow to start the golf swing. This action will promote proper rhythm and tempo.

Everyone always learns the rule to play your drive off the inside of your front foot's heel. While this is good general advice, it is really just positioning the ball so that it is hit on the upswing, rather than downswing like an iron. The reason is that woods have a very low angle to the clubface (as opposed to irons), and need a "lift" at impact to create the optimal trajectory. I would have someone watch your swing while facing you and try to pinpoint where your swing bottoms out. Position the ball just after that point.

Today's equipment and balls are not tailored necessarily for 7 - 8 degree drivers. That is a thing of the past. Getting the ball up in the air on a good trajectory is the first step to driving the ball longer. Many touring pros regurlaly use 9 and 10 degree drivers and drive the ball 300 plus yards. Plus, you will get much more consistency with a more lofted driver.

Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.

Practice anytime and anywhere with a good golf cage today!

Quick Golf Ideas

Pivot Pitching
Eliminate chunks and skulls by using your body and not your hands to move the club. Try keeping your arms glued to your body in the backswing and downswing.
...Golf Tips magazine

Assuming the texture of the sand is similar, and the ball is not plugged, the technique for hitting out of a greenside bunker remains the same for shots up to 30 yards (27m). The key to making this shot is hitting the sand about 1 to 2 inches behind the ball, throwing the sand forward with the ball. For longer shots the only thing that changes is the swing's length. Rhythm and tempo remain the same.
...PGA Tour

Golf-Specific Sunglasses
Golfers are at a high risk for macular degeneration and other unpleasant eye diseases.
...Golf Tips magazine

Today's Golf News

Train with PGA TOUR Winner Charley Hoffman on “Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist”

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Learn strength and injury prevention exercises for the shoulders and ankles

Fourth Season of Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist Premieres on The Golf Channel

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10-Show Player Series Kicks Off with 2007 Masters Champion Zach Johnson

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Location: Alta Sierra, Ohio, United States

I teach speaking and after hour classes. I spent almost nine years as a technical saleman.

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